OTP (One Time Password) a string of characters generated automatically as an authentication of the transaction. Generally, OTP is Numerical or Alphanumerical in nature. It is unique and is different for each and every transaction with a very short shelf life. There are many OTP Service Provider and Some of them are best in Providing OTP Services.

Hence OTP Service, however, is not easy to memorize and hence requires additional technology for support as compared to other services. Because an OTP is generated using one of these three methods.

  • Based on the previous password using a mathematical algorithm.
  • A random number generated by the authentication server using an algorithm.
  • Time-synchronization between the server that authenticates and the user who provides the password.

OTP via SMS facilitates organizations to reach bulk users instantly, because now-a-days maximum users carry mobiles and find it to be more comfortable to open an SMS instead of an Email or receiving a Voice Call. And because of that there are very less people who use Email as there verification use. Hence this is why SMS is the most reliable channel for reaching audiences with the time-critical messages.


Benefits of sending OTP through SMS Striker

  • Instant SMS delivery with extractable reports and analytics, comprehending ROI
  • Secured Bulk Transactional routes
  • Re-try Mechanism
  • Easy integrations with any third-party CRM
  • 24 by 7 Support
  • Excel Plug-in

Telcob Is One of the Best OTP Service Provider:

The best and easiest way of delivering OTP Service is through the SMS channel. Telcob offers One Time Passwords (OTP) and The SMS delivery services which can be further used to authenticate a user for account verification which rather can be possible only by OTP Service. Hence OTP Service in India has come up with a Good Demand with so many active users of Payment Gateways and Subscribers of Online Services as compare with other companies. Hence in Today’s market, Telcob gives the best competition because of their services. Telcob is a growing company which fulfills its customers demand and needs because of their services and quality. So you must experience Telcob as India’s one of the Best Bulk SMS Service Provider and generate OTP for its customers at a very less period of time.

Telcob is the Best OTP Service Provider and expertise with a personalized, customer-focused approach. It is one of the Best Bulk SMS Service Provider.

otp service provider

We Provides you services like :

  • Instant Delivery of OTP SMS
  • Secured SMS Routes
  • Priority SMS Gateway Routes
  • Live Delivery Report
  • All India & All Operator SMS Delivery
  • Easy integration with Organization Systems
  • Transactional SMS Services


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